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   ur Ministries


The Community of St. Bridget

Meaningful liturgical worship is the foremost ministry of our faith community. Each liturgy is an inclusive catholic experience. This means our prayers, songs, and preaching use inclusive language. Our theology is creation-centered and based on the belief that we are an original blessing; there is no atonement theology. Members come together to create the liturgy – from planning, drafting, and editing to full participation, creating authentic liturgical prayer and sharing in the sacred space among us.


Ministries of the Community of St. Bridget reflect the charisms of Bridget of Kildare: hospitality, reverence for nature, healing, kindness, and gender equality. We seek the Divine Feminine through gatherings for dreamwork and discussion/prayer around topics including antiracism, the natural world, and Christian feminism. We seek healing through ministry to women, our LGBTQIA+ siblings, and the poor.


There’s room  for everyone under the mantel of St. Bridget.

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What are we supposed to do with dreams?


Could DREAMS be yet another way that Divine Mystery whispers to us…shouts to us…loves us?  Could it be that there is yet another sacrament—a way to encounter the Living God?

Natural Dreamwork is one way to explore the richness that dreams bring. It is a process that assists dreamers in bringing to life the images, characters, and feelings in dreams.


Learn more about how contemplating dreams can become a spiritual practice, email Donna at or visit No fees are charged for these gatherings.

Donna Mazzola is a certified practitioner of both Natural Dreamwork and Projective Dreamwork. She is a passionate advocate for the potency of dreams and their ability to transform one’s waking life experience.

Mantle of Wisdom


How do we transform and transcend our biases? From judgments made unconsciously to complacency in systemic evil, we must learn how to see if we are to learn how to transform. Brian McLaren, Jacqui Lewis, and Richard Rohr come together for 6 episodes exploring the biases that impact our ability to see.


Learning How to See, with Brian McLaren is a thought-provoking podcast. Season One went live in 2020, and the discussion is as relevant today as it was back then. Maybe more so. It's worth revisiting.


Each episode is less than 40 minutes.


Introduction:  Learning How to See — Center for Action and Contemplation (


  1. Why Can’t We See

  2. Seeing is a Social Act

  3. Seeing is Political

  4. What Authoritarian Leaders See

  5. What You Focus on Determines What You Miss

  6. Seeing, Doubt, Contemplation and Action


All six seasons of Learning How to See are available from the Center for Action and Contemplation, Apple, and wherever you get your podcasts.


In the Mantle of Wisdom, we offer support,

seeking a greater depth of understanding of our faith,

the times we live in, and the Gospel call to love one another.
The Mantle of Wisdom is a reference to the blessed cloak

of St. Bridget of Kildare.

We gather “under this mantle,”

seeking the guidance of the Divine Feminine.


For details about this ministry, email Nancy Tondy (

A Ministry of Compassion


Not all women who have procured an abortion have negative residual effects from their experience. But for those who do, for any woman who is experiencing lingering effects – no matter how long it has been – this ministry is offered for YOU.


Contrary to other post abortion ministries you may have encountered, you will not be asked to seek forgiveness, nor will guilt trips be laid upon you. You will be embraced with love and compassion so that you may discover your potential to live freely and enjoy the wholeness of your being.


To explore the life-giving benefits of this opportunity, contact Mary Eileen Collingwood at All responses are confidential. 

Serving the LGBTQIA Community


The Community of St. Bridget is a community of DignityUSA.  As a social justice organization, DignityUSA works toward full inclusion in the Catholic Church for all LGBTQIA and Ally Catholics, and full inclusion for women through the dismantling of the patriarchy.

Dignity/NE OH community is newly formed, and invites all to join them at future meetings and presentations.

Events: Online meeting with Marianne Duddy Burke, executive director of Dignity USA. Marianne just gave a wonderful keynote speech on the 50 years of the history of Dignity USA. Watch the video here.

For more information, please contact: Shawn Miller or Susan Russell at

Susan Russell
Dignity NE Ohio

4029 Pearl Rd. #1045
Medina, OH 44256
United States


Outreach and Donation Ministries


Malachi House serves terminally ill homeless individuals. Monetary donations are given by CSB quarterly.
Mail gift cards and other financial donations directly to:

Malachi House
at 2810 Clinton Ave.

Cleveland, OH 44113

For material donations, please contact Martha Cromleigh, Volunteer Coordinator: 216-621-8831 or email

Edna House serves women recovering from alcohol and drug addiction by providing a safe, sober place to live and to learn life skills. CSB collects feminine products and supports direct donations

2007 West 65th Street
Cleveland, OH 44102
216- 281-7751


CSB also collects non-perishable food and household supplies for the Greater Cleveland Food Bank.


Items for Edna House and the Greater Cleveland Food Bank can be dropped off at the Brecksville United Church of Christ only during our scheduled CSB in-person liturgies so that items can be collected and distributed. CSB does not store items at the BUCC.


All donations are appreciated!

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